Well Henry and I are here in Minnesota while Laura and Fletcher are in Pennsylvania with the Family... unfortunately they are gathered for a less than happy reason. Laura's grandfather Robert Sandusky passed away on Wednesday night after a long illness. I'm glad that he was able to meet Fletcher. (credit for the picture above goes to Bri...)
Bob was quite a guy. He was born in Western Pennsylvania during the heyday of the coal, coke and steel era... a heyday that came to a screeching halt during the great depression. I remember Bob telling me stories about working even as a kid to help his family. When the United States entered WWII he joined the Army Air Corps and flew B-25 Mitchell bombers across the Atlantic to supply the Allied Armies in North Africa. I remember his description of the uncertainty of every flight... of the crewmembers refilling the fuel tanks while over the middle of the atlantic from five-gallon jerry cans, and of always wondering if the navigator was on track... When the war ended he returned to Connellsville and started a family with 'mommy' - a family that is his greatest legacy. Bob was father to four, grandfather to ten, great-grandfather to four(so far) and was loved and respected by all of his kin by marriage.
I could go on and on, but I'll simply say that he will be missed.

Thank you for the great tribute to my father. We will miss him.