We were proud and excited to welcome Fletcher William Dundas April 14th, 2009 at 12:54pm. Fletcher weighed in at a healthy 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and measured 21 inches from head to toe.
Laura is doing great. She made it through her surgery without any complications, and is resting comfortably.
Grandma and Grandad Ivey were here in Nashville for the birth and have taken lots of pictures. We'll try to post a few of them over the next few days and will do our best to keep you updated as we get ready to head home and get into a routine with eating, sleeping, and all that baby stuff. We should mention that Fletcher and Nina share a birthday! What are the chances? (actually, about 1 in 365.25, but still pretty darn cool.)
Big brother Henry was very interested in sniffing Fletcher's blankets and tells me that he's looking forward to their introduction. At least, that's what I think the madly wagging tail meant...
Thanks for all of your visits, flowers, emails, texts and phone calls. We truly appreciate being in your thoughts. We'll keep posting if you keep reading!

He is BEAUTIFUL!! We cannot wait to meet him!
Aunt Linny
Uncle John
and Big Cousin Ross