Nowhere. They belong on a stick.
Or so we learned, when Nate and Bri came to visit and we all went to the Great Minnesota Get Together along with 210,570 of our closest friends.
(seriously, that was the attendance for the fair on ONE DAY) Technically, I guess that we were with 210, 565 of our closest friends... but anyway...
It seems that Minnesotans have made a game out of putting things on a stick and frying them. Here's short list of the things I can remember:
Pronto Pups (corn dogs... on a stick)
sausage, peppers and onions... on a stick
cheese (big stick-of-butter-sized hunk of Velveeta)... on a stick
pork chops... on a stick
Turkey legs (the stick is integral - no wood required)
roast corn... on a stick
deep fried fruit... on a stick
spaghetti and meatballs... on a stick
italian sandwiches... on a stick
deep fried bacon... on a stick
mac and cheese (seriously, on a stick)
burrito - on a stick
Scotch Eggs.... on a stick (but not as good as Brit's Pub's, despite the stick disparity)
...the list goes on and on. I wonder where they get all the sticks?

Nate and Bri made the trek up from Orlando - quite a hike on the map -
As always, we had a great time. The weather was reasonably nice - not too hot, not too cold, and there was lots to do throughout the weekend. Credit for the pictures goes to Bri - ours are embarrassingly poor in comparison...

(see? No joke!)

Come visit again soon!!